
The 9th GRIHA Summit 2017


Star Partner

  • Asahi India Glass Limited

Theme Partner

  • Corporate Armacell
  • IREO

Green Partner

  • BEE

NASA Trophy Partner

  • Experion

Associate Partner


  • Asahi India Glass Limited
Coming Soon
Benefits Premium Partner
(20 lakh)
Premier Sponsor
(15 lakh)
Star Sponsor
(10 lakh)
Associate Sponsor
(7 lakh)
(5 lakh)
Mock-up Partner
(3 lakh)
Speaking role during inaugural ceremony Yes - - - - -
Speaking role during valedictory session - Yes - - - -
Partner in cultural program Yes Yes - - - -
Inclusion of products in life size demo model of a green home Yes Yes Yes Yes - Yes
Hosting a parallel track Yes - - - - -
Hosting dinner/lunch/side event - - One Dinner either on 2nd or 3rd March Lunch on 2nd or 3rd March - -
Hosting curtain raiser dinner for specially invited guests 5 Lakh additional - - - - -
10 min speaking slot in summit 1 1 1
(Parallel Track)
1 -
Complimentary participants 20 15 10 7 5 5
Sharing list of participants Yes Yes - - - -
Full page advert in product catalogue booklet and shashwat Back Cover Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Hoardings at entry Yes Yes Yes - - -
Full size hoarding behind the registration desk Yes Yes - - - -
Organization hoarding at lunch/dinner venue - - Yes Yes - -
Organization standee outside the auditorium Yes Yes - - - -
Personalised kit for participants Yes - - - - -
Exclusive interview with media Yes - - - - -
Company video to be played between sessions Yes Yes Yes - - -
Organization logo in name tags Yes Yes - - - -
Company logo to be placed on the cover of summit booklet Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Promotional material included in summit kit and pen-drive Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Organization logo on the Summit website cross linked to the sponsor's website Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Organization logo placement Logo placement on all main and parallel session backdrops Logo placement on main backdrop 1. Logo placement on main backdrop.

2. Logo placement on standee outside venue
1. Logo placement on main backdrop.

2. Logo placement on standee outside venue
1. Logo placement on main backdrop.

2. Logo placement on standee outside venue
Logo placement on main backdrop
Promotional material included in pen drive Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Endorsement and acknowledgement on all media platforms (print, electronic, social) Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Copyright © 2017

Contact Us

GRIHA Council
Email -
Tel: - (+91 11) 46444500/24339606-08
Website -
India Habitat Centre
Lodhi Road, Near Airforce Bal
Bharati School,New Delhi
Delhi - 110003

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