Page 83 - Shashwat - Restoring Green Economy
P. 83


                                             of collection and recycling of this   stationery items, desks for schools,
                                             waste, which should be borne by the   and so on. Eventually, they redesigned
                                             producer and not be passed on to the   their entire product by adopting
                                             government or the environment.  completely biodegradable material.
                                             Let us talk about Tetra Pak to   So, we see that apart from
                                             understand this concept better. Tetra   minimizing environmental
                                             Pak is a packaging and processing   degradation, EPR also encourages
                                             solutions provider. While it was   producers and brands to reduce the
                                             a resourceful innovation in food   costs associated with EOL products
                                             packaging that increased the lifespan   by designing better, longer-lasting
                                             and portability of fresh foods, the   products, making them suitable for
                                             material also led to tremendous   an exchange, an upgrade or even
                                             pollution. The fused materials take a   for recycling. Further, under EPR,
                                             very long time to be broken down by   producers may also have a greater
                                             natural bacteria and therefore, are   say in how a company takes back its
             material and ensuring its safe   practically non-biodegradable.
             recycling or disposal. EPR is also                             products and how recycling schemes
             known as ‘Product Stewardship’   So, Tetra Pak came under a lot of   operate, thereby enabling them to get
             and extends the responsibility of   criticism for the impact caused by   better access to secondary materials
             the producer beyond the point of   their post-consumer waste. This led   for their own supply chains.
             sale of the product, that is, up to the   the organization to try and take the   Sustainability was earlier driven
             EOL of the product. The idea behind   responsibility of their products by   by consumer preferences, and that
             EPR is to encourage producers to   working with various stakeholders   is still relevant. However, brand
             consider the EOL processing of   across the country, such as collection   owners now value sustainable
             their products right from the design   agencies and recyclers to collect the   practices too, and not just to satisfy
             stage, thereby designing products   waste. They then worked to recycle   the consumer. They understand its
             which are both long lasting and easily   their cartons into various products,   importance to the planet, and that it
             recyclable. There is a substantial cost   such as roofing sheets, chipboards,   is a fundamental requirement for the
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