GRIHA - 3 Day Evaluators and Trainers Programme at Delhi

Events GRIHA - 3 Day Evaluators and Trainers Programme at Delhi
Aug 12, 2013
Aug 14, 2013
Magnolia Hall, India Habitat Centre, Lodhi Road, New Delhi 110003
3 Day Training Program

A three day intensive "GRIHA (Green Rating for Integrated Habitat Assessment)" training program for evaluators and trainers was organized and successfully executed by Association for Development and Researsh of Sustainable Habitat from 12-14 Aug, 2013 to give a detailed understanding of GRIHA and also to identify evaluators and trainers for facilitating and promoting the rating system pan India.

The program focused on sustainable site planning, water and wastewater management, building design optimization, energy performance optimization, renewable energy utilization, solid waste management, sustainable building material and construction technology, health, wellbeing and environmental quality. The 3-day programme was divided into twelve sessions including the GRIHA and SVAGRIHA website demonstration and the GRIHA Evaluator and Trainer qualifying exams.

Agenda | Brochure